Right now, you might be thinking of how purchasing your raw land was not as complicated as trying to sell it seems to be. After all, you were relieved that buying it was much cheaper than buying an actual home. And the anticipation of building something on it that you can say was your idea from the foundation to the rooftop was exciting. Truthfully, it was probably the greatest move you’d made in a long time, and the most fulfilling moment of your independent adult life. Then something more wonderful happened. You met her, or him. You became a father, or a mother. You landed a dream job, or you started your own business. And all of a sudden, parcels of raw land don’t stand a chance against the home that you’re shopping for with your special someone—you might be hoping to find that one with the craftsmanship charm and character that she just has to have. Whatever your situation, it’s a marvelous thing to move forward with your life. So, here’s a little information that might help you to get there a little faster.
If you choose to hire a real estate agent, know that you’re greatest challenge will be in exercising the patience needed while you wait for potential buyers to surf and find your property on the MLS. That is, potential buyers who think that your land is the type of land that they want, is in just the right location that they desire, and is selling for just the right price. No matter how optimistic a person you are, the questions to answer are, “Are you up for the challenge?” and “How long are you willing to wait?”
If you choose to consult with a private land investor, you’re greatest challenge might only be in deciding just how you’re going to celebrate your quick sale and where you’re going to spend your quick cash. That’s because selling your land—even, your vacant lot, your farmland, ranch, oceanfront or lakefront parcel, for example—to a land investor eliminates the suffering and frustration that a ‘slow market’ encourages. Let’s face it, waiting for 3 months, 6 months, or a year for your land to sell can (unfortunately) be a road block to your future. And, honestly, no one hopes for that.
After a land investor like Lucas Properties, LLC assesses your land, an offer would potentially made to purchase your land at 5% to 25% of its fair market value. And (if you accept) with the promise of a seven day closing without closing fees, you would feel like most people feel when they work with a distressed property solution specialist: you would feel free to move forward without delay. And, too, you would be free of any debt associated with your land; like back property taxes and liens.
If you need further information before making your decision, contact your local realtor or Lucas Properties, LLC at 877-625-1020.
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